There are so many excellent, no-cost resources available. Here are some of our favorites, the free tools we use most often and recommend most. So, download, use, and share to your heart’s content!
- Calculus By and For Young People: Worksheets
- Print Free Graph Paper
- EEWEB Math Tools
- Open Source Textbooks
- Digital Tools
Calculus By and For Young People: Worksheets
Calculus By and for Young People: Worksheets book
Calculus By and For Young People: Worksheets book is our most valuable and important resource. “Our Beloved Mathman”, Don Cohen shared all of his materials to the world at no cost, so please take advantage of the best materials for teaching advanced math to “young people, ages 7 and up”.
Select the type of graph paper (Cartesian, isometric, polar, etc), paper size, measuring units, and format. Print or save as a PDF for later use. Get started here.

Cartesian Honeycomb Isometric Polar
Four examples from Print Free Graph Paper
The best notes are the notes you make by hand, but EEWEB, the Electrical Engineering Community, has the most organized notes for when you’re in a hurry. Check these out!
Many classrooms are going textbooks-less: no physical or digital textbook. Well, here are a few good digital textbooks because every student needs some kind of reference. You’re welcome!
These peer-reviewed texts are openly licensed and 100% Free. Choose from downloadable PDFs, order a physical copy, use the online interactive text, or create an account to take advantage of highlighting and adding your own notes. Select the desired subject below.